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Interior design ● Custom furniture ● Plans

agencement intérieur, décorateur intérieur, le cabinet de Psyché

The interior architecture service concernsany type of renovation or new construction project.

It makes it possible to providelayout solutions/property optimization in connection with the existing constraints on the premises and your daily needs.

We are thinking about the best possibilities in order to offer youoptimized and tailor-made spaces.

We will provide you with:

  • THEplans necessary for the project (inventory, layout, demolition, electricity, plumbing, etc.)

  • Technical drawings (plans, 3D) of yourtailor-made projects such as kitchen, bathroom, dressing room, TV cabinet, library...

  • All necessary administrative documentsdeclarations of work/building permits requested by town halls


Interior decoration ● Furniture/lighting ● Realistic 3D

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The interior decoration service allows us to give aidentity to good, authenticity in therespect for its architecture and your tastes.

The work will focus on the choice of materials, colors, atmospheres, and furniture/lighting proposals. (possibility of offering antique furniture/objects)

The entire project is carried out inRealistic 3D to allow you to project yourself using our scenographies.

Site monitoring ● Financial budget management ● Suppliers



You want a turnkey project, Cabinet de Psyché can monitor the completion of the work for you, which includes:

-The call for tenders for the choice of craftsmen

- budget monitoring forrespecting your budget

- management ofprovisional work schedule

- Le site monitoring on the spot

- ordering materials, on-site delivery management


Possibility of offeringqualified craftsmen according to geographical sector

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